
Our History

The Associated Students of the University of Missouri (ASUM) is an entirely student-led organization advocating for positive outcomes for the nearly 80,000 students of the University of Missouri System (comprised of UMKC, MU, UMSL, and Missouri S&T).

As a campus chapter of ASUM, we represent students of Missouri S&T on the ASUM Board of Directors and advocate for the issues that students at Missouri S&T care about to the UM System Board of Curators as well as legislators in Jefferson City and Washington, D.C.

The Associated Students of the University of Missouri S&T was founded in 1975 across all 4 UM System campuses, and has continued working towards civic education and advocacy for all students on campus for 50 years. ASUM’s Missouri S&T chapter has consistently held a position among the top ASUM chapters, boasting some of the highest student engagement on the annual ASUM survey, as well as maintaining a consistent presence on ASUM’s central board.

Our Platforms

ASUM S&T’s platforms differ from year to year, in order to best reflect what the student
body prioritizes at the time. This year, ASUM S&T is advocating for platforms such as:

Basic Needs:

  • Cost of Living
  • Food & Housing Security
  • Contraceptive Access
  • Mental Health

College Affordability:

  • STEM Grant
  • Increased Access to:
    • Public Scholarships & Grants
    • Tuition Reimbursement Programs
  • Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development Funding